Literary Contest

Literary Contest

The literary contest of the Botillo Festival is organized by the Department of Culture of Bembibre. It has the double objective of promoting literary creations and establishing a link with Botillo.

It has become a major event, with an award that is currently set at 900 euros. It is open to any citizen, whatever their origin, as long as it follows the contest rules.

The topic is free to choose, but it must mention botillo, as it is the gastronomic dish that gives name to the Festival.

The jury is made up of personalities linked to the world of Literature, whose name is made known with the decision of the contest. On the same day of the celebration of each edition of the Festival, it is in charge to announce the winning title.

In recent editions, the participation has raised to above 50 works submitted to the competition. They were coming from a wide variety of parts of Spain.

The literary contest winners

The website of Bembibre´s Botillo Festival will allow people to access the winning works in each of the editions of the contest.

This option aims to complete the possibilities of the Literary Contest in such a way that the winning works will become public domain.

You just have to CLICK on the link below and download or open the PDF by clicking on the title of the story in each of the editions.